Friday, November 19, 2010

~~~...प्यार थोड़ा ज्यादा था...~~~

मुझे हमेशा खुश रखने का शायद इरादा था
हवाओं से मेरे संग उड़ान भरने का वादा था |

कितना तोडा मुझे किस्सों में, काटा भी मुझे
हिस्सों में, लगता है प्यार थोड़ा ज्यादा था |

नज़रों नें कभी मेरा मज़ाक बनाना ना छोड़ा
'नूर' की थी बिसात, 'विती' महज़ प्यादा था |


  1. hai :) lovely kya likha hai viti love it

  2. Awesomely fantastic..... surreal is how I would put it. Viti, you have a way with words, that makes me keep coming back to your blog.

    P.S :Sorry for the late comments, I did tell you it'll be worth the wait for me, even if I couldn't check it instantly.

  3. :) it is both good n bad. good very good, and bad not so bad :)

  4. thank you everyone :)

    @freaky genious: i appreciate you coming back to read stuff on here :) thank you!

    @adee: good way to put it :D thank you!
